The Wheel of Time Character Compendium

There are neither beginnings nor endings to the Wheel of Time. But the Character Compendium will guide you as the Wheel wills.

Robert Jordan is the pen name under which James Oliver Rigney Jr. authored one of the richest and most complex fantasy book sagas ever. After his death in 2007, Brandon Sanderson was asked to pick up the mantle and finished the saga, co-authoring the last 3 books.

In total, Jordan’s (and Sanderson’s) fan favourite saga spans across 15 brick-sized novels (the prequel isn’t as big, but you get the point). Cultures and characters are well defined and their background is throughly detailed.

The result? There are 2782 distinct named characters. How can you keep up with everything, whilst avoiding spoilers like the plague? Jason Wright’s unofficial The Wheel of Time Character Compendium is here to help.


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