
Meet up with your friends more easily. Suggest plans and let your group vote for the best option, hassle-free.

As part of our UX/UI masters course at Nuclio Digital School, we were tasked with researching, conceptualising, designing and prototyping a digital product that meant to improve its users' social interactions and relationships.


Initial Research

After conducting 31 interviews and 129 surveys, we were able to identify a few takeaways. Our users:

  • Highly value their closest relationships, but find it hard to maintain a healthy and sustainable level of social interactions.

  • Believe technology can help improve their social life, but are well aware that over-exposure to information and stimuli can have the opposite effect.

  • Feel the need to hangout with their friends often and to break the monotony of their everyday lives.

  • When planning a social gathering, they find it hard to reach an agreement with their friends and often their relationships suffer from it.

  • Frequently use the same communication tools and have established their routines so it would be hard to break the habit.

Problem Statement

From there, we were able to single out the problem we would set out to solve: People find it hard to meet up with their social groups, due to conflicting schedules and expectations.

Value Proposition

People need an inclusive, clear and hassle-free way of meeting up with their friends.

Value Proposition Canvas

Value Proposition Canvas

User Personas

To best address our users' needs, we created three user personas based on our audience:

Screenshot 2021-08-08 at 20.00.03.png

Voice and Tone

The next step was finding the right voice and tone for our product, defining how it should present itself and communicate with the user. We wanted it to be visually fun and fresh, and for the voice to feel welcoming and friendly so the experience would also feel smoother and more fun.



Information Architecture, User Stories and Wireframing

After defining how wimit would be organised and how its features would function, it was time to finally start breathing some life into the first screens.


UI Kit

The interface is starting to take shape. Let’s define the UI elements that will be prominent in each screen throughout the user journey.


First Prototype

The first iteration of the prototype was ready to be tested by real users. How would it perform? What could we learn from their comments and hands-on experience?

Dónde 14.png

User Testing

Feedback was overwhelmingly positive and our hypothesis is mostly validated. There were also some user comments and suggestions that will help us further develop and improve our product.


Second Prototype

Based on feedback from our users, we were able to design the second iteration of the prototype. The main differences had to do with the order in which the parameters would appear across the user flow and a few tweaks that would improve usability and offer redundancy. This second prototype would be the final prototype of our MVP.

User Testing 4.png

Thanks for reading!

Stay tuned for the product launch.

Alicia Valle
Daniela Inostroza
Pol Fernández
Verónica Piñango

